Occasionally, it will be necessary for us to remove a forum post. If your post is removed, it means that it violated at least one of the rules/guidelines governing the Zerys forums.
Writers are free to share their opinions and feedback,
as long as they are not misleading or disrespectful, and as long as all comments are made with the intent
to help us improve the system. We don’t mind constructive
criticism--in fact, we feel that it helps us. But, this can and must be done in a respectful way. We will remove
posts that violate this spirit – not because we want to censor negative
criticism. Actually, we WANT honest feedback and suggestions… but being negative
and accusatory doesn’t help anyone.
So, we welcome your participation in the Zerys forums and ask that you use this tool responsibly, to help not only us but your fellow writers.
Please read over the following rules for posting in our forums:
- Users who post spam will have their posts removed. If a post that is otherwise appropriate includes links considered to be spam, those links will be removed.
- You can add an image or file to your post, if necessary. However, they must be appropriate or they will be removed.
- Don't post any sensitive information. Moderators will remove personal information from posts to protect your privacy.
- Links to content are permitted. Do not post content in its entirety, unless you are the copyright holder or have permission from the copyright holder.
- Obscene, rude or violent language is not permitted under any circumstances. No forum member is permitted to harass, demean or attack another member.
- Posts that are inflammatory, accusatory and/or contain misinformation that may damage the reputation of Zerys or anyone in its network will be removed.
- Create one topic and only one topic for each subject you want to discuss.
- If you observe someone breaking a rule, or behaving in an otherwise questionable fashion, alert a moderator or an administrator. Do not try to deal with them yourself.
- Administrators have the final say in modifying, interpreting, and enforcing these rules.
These are common sense rules that are in place for the protection of everyone. Please abide by them!